Marko Pogačnik
Since 1992 Marko has been working worldwide in the field of ecological healing of natural and urban landscapes through group work and lithopuncture (Earth acupuncture) projects.
Born in 1944 in Slovenia, Marko with his wife Marika and others formed a rural community in the 1970s at Sempas, Slovenia to “communicate with earth and nature” while establishing an organic farm. At this time Marko also visited Findhorn in Scotland to learn more about the earth god Pan and the elemental beings that Findhorn were working with.
Marko says he began his true vocation in the mid-1980s when, as a sculptor, he developed his lithopuncture – making use of his increasing personal sensitivity to “subtle dimensions of the landcape” – and has been doing this work fulltime since 1992. He also leads peace movement gatherings and since 2005 has created “Geopuncture Circles” in seven countries around the globe.
In addition to Nature Spirits & Elemental Beings: Working with the Intelligence in Nature (1996), Marko has written a number of other books. Those in English translation include Turned Upside Down: A Workbook on Earth Changes and Personal Transformation (2005), Touching the Breath of Gaia: 59 Foundation Steps for Peaceful Civilisation (2007), Sacred Geography – Geomancy: Co-creating the Earth Cosmos (2008), Gaia’s Quantum Leap: A Guide to Living through the Coming Earth Changes (2011), and Universe of the Human Body (2016).
In addition to officially opening the conference, Marko will be giving a keynote talk and leading one of our workshops on Saturday afternoon.
“Elementals are free of any predetermined form. … Whatever form we perceive them in, it is either a mirror which reflects our stored archetypal memory of how we imagined them to be, or it derives from the language of pictures used by the elementals themselves to draw our attention to a certain message they want to deliver.”
Marko Pogačnik, author of:
Nature Spirits & Elemental Beings: Working with the Intelligence in Nature (1996)
Sacred Geography – Geomancy: Co-creating the Earth Cosmos (2008)